Kaltinimai korupcija – tik šmeižtas? Spausdinti
Autorius Jurgita Valentaitė   
lapkričio 25, 2008

 Lapkričio pradžioje Kyšiai.lt gavo portalo lankytojos pranešimą, kuriame Tauragės miesto ligoninės psichiatrijos skyriaus vedėja J. Mockaitienė kaltinama kyšininkavimu.

Tačiau šios informacijos nepatvirtino nė viena institucija, o pati pranešėja panoro likti anoniminė.

Skundų negavo

Pranešime tvirtinama, kad skyriaus vedėja ima kyšius iš pacientų ir už tai guldo į ligoninę be eilės. Pranešimą atsiuntusi moteris teigė nebegalinti daugiau tylėti ir prašė padaryti visam tam galą. Kyšiai.lt nutarė plačiau pasidomėti šia situacija.

Susisiekėme su Tauragės miesto ligoninės vadovu I. Mockumi ir pasiteiravome, ar jis nėra anksčiau gavęs nusiskundimų dėl šios darbuotojos kyšininkavimo.

Ligoninės vadovas teigė, kad skundų dėl minėtos gydytojos skundų tikrai nėra gavęs, o po kurio laiko, pasitikslinęs, dar kartą patvirtino, kad jokių skundų negauta nei anksčiau, nei šiuo metu.

Nusiskundimų šia gydytoja nebuvo gavusi ir vietinio laikraščio redakcija.

Gydytoja komentuoti atsisakė

Kyšiai.lt apie gautą skundą informavo Specialiųjų tyrimų tarnybą (STT). Šios tarnybos ryšių su visuomene skyrius Kyšiai.lt informavo, kad pareigūnai domisi pranešime išdėstytomis aplinkybėmis, tačiau kol kas daugiau informacijos apie tai atskleisti ir viešinti negali.

Susisiekti su gydytoja J. Mockaitiene buvo nelengva, o kai galiausiai tą padaryti pavyko, moteris kategoriškai nukirto, kad į jokius klausimus neatsakinės, deja, taip palikdama vietos įvairioms interpretacijoms.

Forumas | Peticija | Pranešk apie kyšį

  Komentarai (6)
Autorius John, 29-10-2014 04:14
Bravo e0 vous deux. Ton mari a une grande flciaite9 d e9locution et il transmet de l enthousiasme, il est passionne9 par ce qu il fait et e7a se sent. Vous avez sans aucun doute et beaucoup de succe8s.Toi aussi tu parles avec aisance, simplicite9 et enthousiasmeEffectivement travailler en couple n est pas e9vident mais apparemment cela a l air de vous re9ussir. Mes parents qui travaillaient en couple n avaient pas pre9vu la reconnaissance juridique de ma me8re. Dommage surtout au moment de la retraite.A quand le Vietnam ?sylviane Articles re9cents..
Autorius Yusuf, 09-12-2015 12:19
Ugh, back problems are deneiftily some of the worst problems anyone could have. It really stops you right in your tracks from what you're trying to get accomplished. I hate it when there's that little sharp bit of pain in your lower back from pulling it somehow. I hope it's feeling better now, though.Don't worry about getting to your bee mail and trading requests right away if you haven't the time, no worries. It's always going to be there when you return! :)
Autorius Najat, 20-12-2015 09:52
Hey CA,The US does similar thnigs with the stuff we sell to other people.And not killing off a source of materials ( and the all important spare parts to meke them run)is a powerful incentive.It's stuff like bolts and bearing, aircraft tires and engine parts that can turn the most expensive jets or tanks into rusting statuary of no use whatever.There's plenty of good news around...all depends on how you look at it.F'rinstance, the deeper and more obvious Obama gets, the more his approval ratings fall.People need to experiwence that to appreciate it, unfortunately.The very fact that the electorate could be fooled into electing a charlatan and con man like Obama is proof that a lesson is needed, and many times education is not cheap. Even those on the right side of thnigs needed a lesson, so that they relearn what's at stake and make sure to hold thei rown accountable. That slipped up badly during the Bush years.My point is that this is all positive, and my overall optimism about this country and its people makes me confident that we will prevail and come out of this stronger than before, and better off for the experience. An enema is messy and smelly, but sometimes entirely necessary and a good thing at the end.Don't despair. It's what the enemy wants you to do.Regards,Rob http://jickto.com [url=http://bcqzozjnk.com]bcqzozjnk[/url] [link=http://xptfpj.com]xptfpj[/link]
Autorius Geoffrey, 22-12-2015 02:31
RA5_Vigilante disse:Prezado RobertoSegundo o link, a verse3o do era 550 antiga, de baixa cblifaoinidade: The Condor Cordillera War – in Peru better known as the “Alto-Cenepa War” – was a highly interesting conflict, for several reasons. To the Peruvians it proved an urgent need for interceptor armed with effective and functioning air-to-air missiles capable of engaging targets beyond the visual range (BVR) and from all aspects. The FAP possessed such fighters in the form of Mirage 2000P, but these were not armed with Matra Super 530Ds due to the lack of funding. Possession of this weapon might have prevented the loss of two Su-22s, on 10 February, then FAP Mirage 2000Ps were obviously in the area and tracking Ecuadorian Mirage F.1JAs, but also too far away to engage effectively. The available Matra R.550 Magic Mk.Is proved to be of dubious quality already during earlier wars, not only in 1981 but foremost in the Middle East, and lacked the range, manoeuvrability, as well as all-aspect engagement capability. Ecuadorians recognized this already in 1981, and their acquisition of a small batch of R.550 Mk.IIs might have been decisive. Nao diria que amarelaram, mas ne3o foram usados com eficiencia por falta de ($) armas adequadas, parece um pais conhecido.Saudae7f5es
Autorius Haitam, 23-12-2015 14:26
Firstly, will the sale of these aircraft by any fegrion entity be free of spying software and so-called 'kill-switches' ?Can't the IAF first check if indigenous capabilities exist or not ? http://qilrkfecwsm.com [url=http://xqqqbzn.com]xqqqbzn[/url] [link=http://medpbk.com]medpbk[/link]
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